Hello, Visionaries! Today I've got a guest post from author Abbigail Raine B.! Who also happens to be one of my and my sisters' dear friends, even if we do live literally days apart...lol...anyway, Abbi has written an awesome post and I can't wait for all of you to read it!
So enjoy!
I’m going to try to keep from ranting, so if this comes across as a little bit harsh, that’s
not my intention.
I love Christian fiction. It is absolutely amazing, and if done right, it’s even better. Reading Christian fiction actually kept me from falling back into depression a few years ago when the second lockdown occurred here in Canada. So when I say I love Christian fiction, I really mean it.
I think it’s an incredible gift. To be able to write a fictional story set in any time period, past or present (not too sure about futuristic, but maybe that’s just me), and include Biblical truths and God-centered characters and relationships, is amazing. Who knows how many lives have been impacted by Janette Oke’s books? Francine Rivers? Frank Perretti?
But: I’ve begun to notice some things.
I know we, as Christians, are far from perfect. We’re bound to stumble and mess up time and time again. But praise the Lord that we have a Savior who forgives and loves us, even when we beat ourselves up for falling into sin. His grace is such an amazing gift!
But what bothers me is this: I find a Christian author and LOVE their books. The faith aspect in the story that encourages me, the relatable characters, the intriguing time period. Just absolutely love it!
But then…
You find them posting or commenting about a movie, TV show, or book that you know is most definitely NOT God-centered or clean, content-wise. Whether it’s the language, inappropriate behavior, or glorifying gore and violence.
It makes you feel kind of crummy. At least I do. Because here is an author I look up to, both for sharing God’s truth and encouraging readers around the world and yet they are watching or reading media that is so far removed from being considered ‘godly.’
It’s discouraging, isn’t it?
As writers, we have a responsibility. As Christian writers, an even greater one. If we are writing about anything faith-related, we better be living by what we preach. If you write about godly love stories and romance, then you shouldn’t be reading erotica. If you’re writing about God’s incredible gift of grace and forgiveness, you better believe that you are included in that invitation. If you write about His infinite love for you and that once you come to Him you should sin no longer, then don’t think that you can keep living in your sin.
We cannot be misleading. What do you think unbelievers think when they see a Christian reading something that is full of witchcraft, smut, or glorified violence? What do you think people think when they see you commenting on how much you enjoy a TV show full of adultery and slanderous behavior?
We are to be lights in this world. We are to be examples of our Savior. We are to be living testimonies of what God has done. How are we doing that if we write what God has placed on our hearts, only to read or watch absolute garbage?
Satan rejoices when we fall short. He’s overjoyed when we fall back into something of our dead self.
Some might excuse what they’re doing by saying they need inspiration to write their story because they’re “not good at writing romance” or, “not good at writing an action-packed story.” You know what? If God has called you to write that story, He’s gonna give you the words you need. You do not need to go read trash or watch it to “get inspiration.”
We need to be so careful about what we say, write, and do. We have a huge responsibility to not cause our brothers and sisters to stumble, even if we think what we are viewing is harmless. People look up to you, whether you see it or not. As such, we need to be incredibly careful that we don’t unknowingly cause them harm.
“Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” I CORINTHIANS 5:7
I don’t mean to cause offense in anyone, only that we be extra aware that as God has called us to write, to be careful in what we allow ourselves to enjoy. While it may seem harmless, always know that what you observe, whether for “research” or for your own enjoyment, will impact you in one way or another.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” EPHESIANS 2:10
Let’s walk in a way that we can bring honor to our Savior and be a light to those around us!
About the Author:

Abbigail is a dreamer who explores past worlds through the pages of imagination. She desires to write and glorify God in all she does and invites readers to join creative adventures through the written word. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, enjoying her earl grey tea, and jamming out to music. She lives with her crazy but amazing family in Alberta, Canada.
If you want to chat about books, writing, or even just say hi, feel free to connect with her here.
Great article! It's hard sometimes on where to draw the line. I like murder mysteries, but some people say those are ungodly, or if you watch a movie that has something bad in it, like killing or cussing, and it is portrayed as bad, does that mean you can still enjoy the movie?
Good Scriptures! Thanks for sharing!