Hey Visionaries! Today I've got a book review for 'Sins of the Past' by Bethany Klassen, who is a newer member of our community here on WV!
I was excited to receive a free copy in exchange for an honest review and enjoyed the story! So, without further ado here is my review!
Overall rating: 4 stars
A riveting story of faith and forgiveness! First off, I love westerns! So that's points for me! I love books where things are happening. More points! And I adore redemption arcs! More points! So let's get down to my breakdown of the story! Characters: Matthew was such a good conflicted character! I liked him (even though characters named Matthew are hard for me because I automatically think of my brother...lol...)! He was such a great conflicted character to read about! Nathan had my heart from his first moment on page! I love the jolly side character! Nathan stole my heart and I want him to find his special someone! Emma was a dear, I'm never much on the female characters *shrugs* very rarely do I gush about them...lol...but she was sweet and doll. There were other characters that passed through the story who were nice or sweet or mean. *glares at certain character* But a nice cast! Themes: We're never too far in our sin...we can turn our lives around with the help of Jesus. Our God is the God of new beginnings! He is capable of so much! And He has a plan for each and every one of us! Language: N/A Romance: Some mild attraction...hinted at. Overall: I really enjoyed this story! The only reason it's not a five-star is because of a few personal things I don't like, such as doppelgänger characters, never a huge fan of that trope. Especially when they just happen to be in the same town during old west times...It did make for some interesting (and heartbreaking) moments, but I'm just not a fan. And other than that...yeah, pretty much it so you could put the book at 4.5 (wish we had that option). It's a clean read I'd recommend for ages 14+ just because of the weight of the story and writing style.
Do you like westerns? Do you know Bethany? What's your thoughts on redemption stories? They never get old for me...lol...
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Thanks for your review, Kayti! It's so fun to find fellow western lovers!
Yes, redemption stories never get old for me!!! Great review, Kayti! 💖 (And same, I REALLY wish there was an option on Goodreads and Amazon to do half-stars so it could be 4.5! It would make everything so much easier to rate 😭)