Hiya! My name is Marisa Phillips, but just call me Rissy.
I'm a teen who absolutely loves writing! 😍 I usually write YA fantasy.
I like, oh wait, sorry, love writing because I believe that every story has meaning behind them, whether for good or bad, and that a story can change the world, again whether for good or bad. Writing is just breathtaking, to me. We get to make up our own world. A world full of heroes or heroines, a world full of brave courageous characters! Characters that people can look up to. Characters that can inspire people to be better people. And if you get a good author a book can save someones life by giving them the Word of God inside the book itself! And that's my mission to spread the Word of God, through my action packed stories! And I can't wait to share those stories with you!
Also, I'm super excited to be here! I just can't wait to read you guys' books!
God bless each and every one of you!