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October Contest Week 3!

Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! I'm very sorry that this post is coming out so late, it's been a hectic week, I'm sure you can all relate!

I'm happy to announce that our flash fiction contest was an even bigger success than poetry!! Thank you to all who submitted!!

This is just a quick announcement that our third week is going to be MICRO-FICTION! Yes, yes, it's a small subset of flash-fiction, but it's a particular challenge because the limit is about 300 words. So, I challenge you, reader, to tell a story in 300 words or less!

Remember, have fun, it's quite alright if its very first draftish, I want these contests to encourage you to write, and have fun doing it!

Here's the form to submit when you're ready!

Happy Tuesday!

Louise Taylor

Contest Manager

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Joelle Stone
Joelle Stone
18 de out. de 2023

*bounces and grabs pen*

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